In this very funny and poignant new play, Doug, a blue collar worker at a family owned construction company and the self proclaimed “best shovel man in SE Michigan” is charged with training Paul, the boss’s gentle, secretive, college bound son during the course of a summer demolition project. Doug is close to Paul’s family and feels needed to help the boy get ready for life away from home. Their exchanges begin hilariously with Doug’s baudy advice comically at odds with Paul’s shy nature. As things proceed, we come to realize that Paul is struggling with something far beyond Doug’s purview and experience.  A play about identity, truth, parenthood, and the courage it takes to break things apart to become your own kind of hero.

Pulitzer Prize finalist Will Arbery (Heroes of the Fourth Turning, Succession) confronts humanity’s darkest fears in this deep, warm and hysterically funny play about climate and change.